Beat the Heat with a Holiday on Ice
So, I’ve been back in hot and dusty Dubai for three weeks now, following a fantastic month-long break in European sunshine and nature, and I can safely say that I am done with the Middle Eastern summer already! With temperatures reaching 50 degrees here at the moment, the majority of my free time has been spent cowering in the air conditioning, eating and drinking, with the occasional day spent playing in chilled pools or on boats at sea. As a result, my holiday planning and day dreaming have taken me to much cooler climes and alternative activities, where I can enjoy natural beauty, and keep active, without the very real risk of heat stroke!
So, what’s on my shortlist to escape the heat of Dubai for the last few weeks of summer, or the impending Eid holiday next month?
1. Skiing
I’m thinking beautiful big drifts of snow, falling flakes, romantic fire-lit cabins, and lots of fun whizzing down the slopes in the cool sunshine (with the addition of a few bumps and scrapes in my case!) I actually can’t think of anything better than being out in the bitter cold rolling around in the snow at the moment! And with the way I ski, there’s likely to be plenty of rolling… And falling, lots of falling! Regardless of my lack of ability however, spending time on the slopes or partaking in any winter activity from snowmobiling to husky safaris and staying in ice hotels, is pretty high up on my hit list for an escape route!
2. Ice-Skating
Ok, so maybe I wont be jetting away to do this in the next few weeks, but it doesn’t stop me daydreaming. Having had a lot of winter fun on the ice in London at Somerset House, and having dreamed of doing the same in New York during the winter, my memories of skating involve lots of giggles (and often more bumps and scrapes!) Just because it’s summer, doesn’t mean I have to miss out though, and without even leaving Dubai. The huge air conditioned ice skating rink in Dubai Mall is a great facility, all you need are a couple of friends and some top tips!
3. Head South!
My escape doesn’t have to be freezing cold, just anywhere cooler than here! I was lucky enough to enjoy a beautiful summer in Europe with long warm days, sunshine and minimal rain, having just finished that trip however and looking for something cooler, I’d be more keen to head to the Southern Hemisphere as they experience their winter, I particularly like New Zealand and would love to have more of an adventure there in the snow and sunshine.
I’m not sure whether I’ll get away again in the next couple of weeks, or even for Eid, but currently I’m desperate to head somewhere where you can see your breath when you go outside, where you have to wrap up warm in layers upon layers of clothes, and where your eyes glow and your cheeks stay pink for hours after leaving the fireside. If, however, I don’t get to leave the city, then I will certainly make sure to spend my free time in the next few weeks more wisely, so that I keep the active lifestyle I love, without getting pulled into the endless whirlpool of food, drink and shopping that it so strong here! Soon, the weather will start cooling off again, and I can enjoy some of those pastimes I love in Dubai. Winter is coming and I cannot wait!!