The posts that I have written for Ramadan over the last two years have been very much focussed on readers from within Dubai and the Arab world, included details of [ ... ]

When I think of Portugal, it’s normally the long sandy beaches, orange and lemon groves, and chaotic tourist shops drawn up from my memories of a childhood holiday in the [ ... ]

Summer in Dubai often finds us residents cooped up in doors, unsure of what to do with ourselves. Recently there’s been a new trend to sweep the UAE which provides [ ... ]

After recently helping a friend celebrate a special birthday and with my own celebrations in the not too distant past it started me thinking about all the unique ways that [ ... ]

Before the congratulatory messages start, no it’s not me heading down the alter, but it is one of my closest friends in Dubai. The couple’s story has actually already featured [ ... ]

Having lived in Dubai for almost a decade and with my home city being one of my favourite blog topics, it would be amiss of me not to write a [ ... ]

I recently attended a presentation by the Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) to the Middle East PR Association (MEPRA) regarding the city’s biggest community campaign to date [ ... ]

It was a fantastic day at the races yesterday for Dubai World Cup, the world’s richest horse race, and after meeting plenty of people who had travelled into the UAE [ ... ]

I feel I should start this week’s post by apologising if my posts, tweets, instagram pictures have been a little erratic recently, I’ve had a busy couple of weeks playing [ ... ]

As Irish people all over the world get ready for the biggest party of the year today, I thought it would be fitting to write a post about my travel [ ... ]