This is my ninth National Day living in the UAE, and every year the celebrations have gotten more and more impressive, from classic car displays, fireworks and parades through to [ ... ]

I’ve lived in Dubai for nearly ten years now and have been lucky enough to have some truly fantastic nights out with everything from dinners and parties on the beach, [ ... ]

There are so many things to see and do in Dubai now, that for visitors only coming to the city for a one week holiday, it can be hard to [ ... ]

One of the things I like most about living in Dubai is the variety of different activities you can get involved in here – as someone who is naturally curious, [ ... ]

Cafes and coffee shops are very much part of the Dubai lifestyle, and not just for expats and tourists, with coffee and shisha forming a key part of Arabic culture. [ ... ]

The Eid holiday seems to have come round really quickly this year, and as I am just back from three weeks of gallivanting around Europe for various weddings and celebrations, [ ... ]

The posts that I have written for Ramadan over the last two years have been very much focussed on readers from within Dubai and the Arab world, included details of [ ... ]

As a hard-working expat, I generally only travel home once a year and these visits normally tie in with special occasions – weddings and big family birthdays being the main [ ... ]

Summer in Dubai often finds us residents cooped up in doors, unsure of what to do with ourselves. Recently there’s been a new trend to sweep the UAE which provides [ ... ]