With a trip back to my home country a matter of days away, it was perfect timing to be invited to meet the CEO of VisitBritain, in Dubai to [ ... ]

Finally, after a hectic few months, it’s time to get everything wrapped up (see what I did there?) and head home for my Christmas holidays. I’ve left my plans late [ ... ]

It’s been a great week for inspiration. As my eternal battle for fitness continues – today’s triumph, completing the Dubai Women’s Run 10k six minutes faster than last year – [ ... ]

Sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to Qatar for the weekend, bag full of plastic spiders, rubber pumpkins and all other manner of Halloween party paraphernalia, I realise [ ... ]

After a year’s worth of discussions and negotiations, I was incredibly happy to win an exciting new client, especially once I discovered that the briefing process would involve a trip [ ... ]