The return to Nepal was a fantastic experience, sadly the trip was only four and a half days, but as guests of a traditional wedding we had a rare and [ ... ]

Deciding to travel to Tibet was not an easy task. I normally take as much delight in planning my trips as I do in the travel itself, but this decision [ ... ]

The final destination of the great (in so many ways) tour of Palestine was the little town of Bethlehem. A town as steeped in history and atmosphere as Jerusalem [ ... ]

We ended another emotionally exhausting day in Ramallah (the ‘capital’ of the West Bank) with a talk from the BDS (Boycott Divestment Sanction) campaigners. Here we finally heard success stories [ ... ]

We took a rest from the politics with a few days out in the wadis at Deir Estiyeh where we volunteered, helping clean up the wadis of the litter, and [ ... ]

The sense of elation on reaching the West Bank was something I had not experienced for a long time, the bus was full of cheers, singing and laughter once we [ ... ]

Jerusalem had been breathtaking and awe-inspiring, and whilst it was sad to leave such a magnificent city, we were keen to see more of Palestine. The next part of [ ... ]

Well it’s taken me a long time to reflect and report the laughter and tears that contributed to the most memorable trip I have ever made. Palestine is an amazing [ ... ]

When I first heard that some friends of mine were heading to Palestine, I remember being quite surprised – with all the negative news coverage around, I had assumed [ ... ]