Nine days of self driving and navigating a tuk tuk over 1,000km, with daily challenges and tests along the way? It’s certainly not a break for those looking for some [ ... ]

Following last week’s post about the best holiday destinations for Eid, and with the public holiday now only days away, I thought I’d post the best things to from [ ... ]

So it looks like the summer is finally drawing to a close – I’m getting up before the sun to head to bootcamp now, and the tell-tale fog is back
[ ... ]

The stunning backdrop of last week’s mammoth Wadi Bih Run triggered memories of many fantastic camping trips in the area and inspired me to share my recommendations now before the [ ... ]

From Cairns, it was back on a plane to fly across the country to Perth where I had two weeks staying with my friend’s family. As a backpacker in the [ ... ]