It was a fantastic day at the races yesterday for Dubai World Cup, the world’s richest horse race, and after meeting plenty of people who had travelled into the UAE [ ... ]

This year’s new year’s celebrations were probably the quietest I’ve ever had (although you’d never guess it from the amount of time it’s taken for me to write this up!) [ ... ]

Sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to Qatar for the weekend, bag full of plastic spiders, rubber pumpkins and all other manner of Halloween party paraphernalia, I realise [ ... ]

From Cairns, it was back on a plane to fly across the country to Perth where I had two weeks staying with my friend’s family. As a backpacker in the [ ... ]

We decided to kickstart our seven months of backpacking hardship gently, so rather than heading to the chaos of Asia and work our way out, we opted to an island [ ... ]

I have had a fascination and love of travel for as long as I can remember, however this wanderlust was first satiated when I finished university. I had always been [ ... ]