Hotels in Kathmandu vary in facilities and price. The previous few visits to Nepal, I have always stayed in Thamel, however for this special trip I was part of a [ ... ]

We often overlook that which we know well, and that’s certainly been the case for me when it comes to the joys of my home country. That has been one [ ... ]

After my recent posts about my friend’s hen parties (Goa and Windsor, as well as my hen party organiser tips), I thought it was about time that [ ... ]

In my experience, despite the distinct stereotypes and generalisations for just about every country in the world, there are few places that live up to theirs as well as Ireland. [ ... ]

This summer has involved a lot of travel for me, mostly due to the number of weddings (back in the UK and overseas) that I have been invited to attend. [ ... ]

There is a big misconception that there are only a limited number of things to do in Dubai and the UAE. I have (frustratingly) heard many conversations between expats, tourists [ ... ]

As a hard-working expat, I generally only travel home once a year and these visits normally tie in with special occasions – weddings and big family birthdays being the main [ ... ]

After recently helping a friend celebrate a special birthday and with my own celebrations in the not too distant past it started me thinking about all the unique ways that [ ... ]

If you read my blog regularly, you could be forgiven for thinking that I have boundless supplies of energy, choosing every holiday (and weekend in fact) to be one filled [ ... ]