I’ve always been interested in the idea of a yoga retreat. I’ve practiced on and off over the years, and have spent the odd day at yoga retreats in Nepal [ ... ]

If I had known what Zanzibar was like, I would have visited years ago… Some of the best beaches, clear waters, and stunning sunsets I have ever seen, in addition [ ... ]

I was at an Iftar buffet on the first day of Ramadan, when a lady on the next table struck up conversation. She had wandered into the buffet area with [ ... ]

This is my ninth National Day living in the UAE, and every year the celebrations have gotten more and more impressive, from classic car displays, fireworks and parades through to [ ... ]

Nine days of self driving and navigating a tuk tuk over 1,000km, with daily challenges and tests along the way? It’s certainly not a break for those looking for some [ ... ]

The fast-paced nature of modern working life means that our holidays are now more important than ever. Unfortunately, most of us don’t get the chance to go on a two-week [ ... ]

After a weekend in a cottage in Devon, a week in rural Portugal, and a day wine tasting on the South Downs of England, my Ramadan holiday continued [ ... ]

The Philippines had never featured on my travel bucket list, and I’m not sure why. I guess that the promotional messages for other idyllic island destinations in the region have [ ... ]