As with all international holidays and celebrations, Dubai embraces the spirit of Valentines Day with a spirit worthy of the saint. Everywhere you look, malls are decorated with the synonymous [ ... ]

This is my ninth National Day living in the UAE, and every year the celebrations have gotten more and more impressive, from classic car displays, fireworks and parades through to [ ... ]

In need of a little weekend getaway, we took the short drive to Al Aqah over the Halloween weekend. The Iberotel Miramar Al Aqah was offering some great deals, and [ ... ]

Nine days of self driving and navigating a tuk tuk over 1,000km, with daily challenges and tests along the way? It’s certainly not a break for those looking for some [ ... ]

If you read my blog regularly or follow me on social media, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of adventurous travel – even as I type this I’m sitting [ ... ]

Some people only manage or want to get away from home once or twice a year, others travel for work or have it as a higher priority in their lives. [ ... ]

I’ve lived in Dubai for nearly ten years now and have been lucky enough to have some truly fantastic nights out with everything from dinners and parties on the beach, [ ... ]

One of the things I love about being an expat is how much it makes me appreciate my home country. I generally come back to the UK a couple of [ ... ]

So, I’ve been back in hot and dusty Dubai for three weeks now, following a fantastic month-long break in European sunshine and nature, and I can safely say that I [ ... ]

The fast-paced nature of modern working life means that our holidays are now more important than ever. Unfortunately, most of us don’t get the chance to go on a two-week [ ... ]