Canada is not a place for the diet conscious! I was lulled into a false sense of security on arrival and delighted to find lots of fresh produce from the [ ... ]

As you may already know if you read this blog, Oman is one of my favourite places in the world, which is great for me as it’s right on my [ ... ]

As I plan the next trip, not long after returning from epic adventures in Canada, I’ve realised that there are so many little hacks that can help when it comes [ ... ]

So you could argue that it might be a little late for me to be posting about my plans for Canada… Considering that I have already arrived in the country! [ ... ]

With the start of Ramadan, summer has well and truly launched into full flow here and as I busily plan my next trips (Canada, Peru and Ecuador – watch this [ ... ]

A friend is planning a trip to France, and I have been trying to give some tips based on my time living in Nice. My personal experience is limited to [ ... ]

With so many trips further afield over the last year, it’s been a while since I stayed in a hotel in Abu Dhabi, and I’ve never actually stayed in the [ ... ]

With the annual day of love just around the corner, I thought it was only timely to share the results of InterNations annual Expat Insider survey on where in the [ ... ]